Saturday, August 28, 2010

Tony and Albert, how could you?

Today is the day Glenn Beck and his followers have their rally in Washington. I'm fine with that. The First Amendment, if it applies to any, must apply to all.

I do have a random observation or two. I noticed in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that Tony LaRussa and Albert Pujols will be among the attendees. The article quotes LaRussa as saying that he accepted the invitation only upon being assured that this would not be a thinly disguised political event. Yes, the naivete was flowing thick.

Maybe LaRussa didn't catch the bias here because he shares that bias. LaRussa is a rare breed: a vegetarian Republican who chooses to live in Northern California. He is an intelligent, sophisticated individual and, normally, not afraid to engage in critical, independent thought. I am just wondering what kind of assurances would convince him that an event featuring Glenn Beck and Sarah "I quit" Palin would not be political.

Maybe they can pull that off. I'll be interested to see. Not interested enough to pay attention while it's happening, though.

I was amused to hear Mr. Beck's spokesperson say that Beck had no idea - not a clue - that this was the date that Dr. King gave his address. Yeah, I believe that. And pigs are flying right outside my window. You got a permit for that spot, on this date, and you want to tell us it was all coincidence???  Pulll-eeeeze. . .

Many have discovered a truth: if you are going to lie, lie big, bold, loud and often. Sooner or later, some folks will start to believe it. Lincoln said "You can't fool all of the people all of the time," but modern propagandists - Limbaugh, Human Events, anybody on Fox News - have realized that you don't need to fool all of the people all of the time. You only need to fool 51% on occasion.

So you want people to think that Obama wasn't born in the United States? Speak that lie often enough and loudly enough, and some will buy it. Never mind that birth certificate and newspaper announcement the day after. (Birthers. Geez. Can you see me rolling my eyes?)

So you want people to think that Obama is Muslim? One answer is "His religious affiliation is and has been openly Christian. Submit your proof." My preferred answer: "So what if he is? We have a new test for eligibility for office now?" (and, by the way, refer to answer 1.) Another lie - told often and loud, and therefore gaining traction.

And this event won't be political? We'll wait and see. Beck has said that he'll deliver his address from a few steps lower than the spot where Dr. King spoke 47 years ago. That's at least one appropriate concession.

One other observation: Mr. Beck calls this rally "Restoring Honor." I never lost mine. Sorry about Mr. Beck's. I think it'll take more than one rally to restore his.

Rarely has such a mellifluous voice as Mr. Beck's delivered as much BS as his does.

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