Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanks be to God

There are days that are just made for reflection. Thanksgiving is one such. Thus, reflection on things for which I'm thankful.

I am incredibly thankful that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD, TO THE GLORY OF GOD THE FATHER. Yes, I do mean to be shouting that. It still excites me.

I am thankful for my faith, the Catholic faith, that sustains me and encourages me. I didn't come to the Catholic faith until I was verging on middle age, so I have been able to maintain a view different from the view of a "cradle Catholic". I had been considering joining the Church at the 1993 Easter vigil. But, in September of 1992 I was advised that I had developed a severe stenosis (closing, for those of us who don't speak doctor) of the aortic valve, and would need open heart surgery. That rather violently accelerated the consideration process, so on September 26, 1992 I received the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, anointing of the sick, and my first Eucharist. Yep. Pretty accelerated.

I am constantly thankful for my wife, my best friend, my lover, the mom to our kids. She has put up with me for 35 years, and living with me has not always been a bowl of cherries. I am trying, though, and Cindy does let me know that I'm more trying on some days than on others. I have no doubt that marriage is a gift from God, and my wife most certainly has been such. I love you, Cindy, and eagerly look forward to our next 35 years.

I am thankful for our five kids. They've had their rough spots, and some of them are in such patches even now. I pray for you daily. In your successes I see my successes and your shortcomings, such as they are, are a reflection of my own. You will come through this. I did. I love you, and will go to my grave (not soon, I hope!) knowing that I couldn't have been prouder.

Thank you, God, for grandkids - 12 so far, to be 13 in February - that are way cooler than any Papa could ever ask for. I love you. Vanessa, Jasper, Olivia, Kylie, Meri, Logan, Jada, Jordan, Payton, (soon-to-be) Autumn, Derek, Jessilynn, Megan - thanks. Just for being you, just for being my grandkids, and for making my life more alive. I love you just the way you are.

I am incredibly glad for the family I grew up with - for parents that had a set of values that they lived by, and imparted to us. They're both gone, and I bless their memory every day. (And, yes, I think I am a Coats. Of everyone in the family, I think I bear the most resemblance to Uncle Kenny. IMO.) I am thankful for my sister, Sheri, who is most definitely one of my heroes.

I am thankful for having been able to reconnect with high school classmates. I apologize for not having known way back in 1971 how much you were to be treasured. I do so now. UT '71 ROCKS!!!! At the same time, I am saddened by the growing list of our classmates who are no longer with us. This earthly life is finite - but I cling to the hope and the thought that life itself is not finite. God is infinite.

I am thankful for our son-in-law, Chris, currently deployed. The count of days over there on this deployment has dropped into double digits. May those days pass quickly, and may you return home safe to your wife and your four kids.

I am thankful that I was able to serve, in the Navy.

To friends and coworkers, past and present, (you know who you are!), you make and have made my work life wonderfully rich and engaging. I hope I've returned some of that. You're all miracles to me.

I'm thankful for sobriety. I'm coming up on the 25th anniversary of my last drink. Thank you, God.

To everyone in this posting, to all Facebook friends, coworkers, classmates: I love you dearly. I wouldn't ever say that'cuz - well, you know - but I do.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise God all creatures here below.
Praise God above, you heavenly hosts!
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost!

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