Friday, June 25, 2010

Truly Random Observations and Musings. . .

. . .leading to no point in particular, but hey. . .

THIRD SHIFT: In one job or another I've been on third shift for seven or eight years. Those days are now done. I think. For the last year or so that I was on third we could watch TV. A little. Well. . .Not that I ever would. Nope. Not me. (Hmph.) During third shift by about three in the morning you realize that not only are your life and schedule all backward, but you're no longer even sure what they're backward from. You've either lost a day or jumped ahead one. You're so tired that your eyelids feel like boards and your face feels like drywall. Right when you're at your absolute worst the ad comes on the television. Lindsay Wagner, whose voice sounds like she just got up from a sound sleep - deep, thick, syrupy - talks about the wonders of that Sleep Number bed.It's just what a third-shifter needs to hear at that time of night. By the end of the ad we wouldn't even need a Sleep Number bed. Just a blanky on the floor and a coat for a pillow would do. Or the ad comes on for the sleep aid: "Only take ___ if you have eight hours to devote to sleep." You can only whimper "OK?!"

By the way, if you're trying to watch your weight, third shift is the absolute worst thing that could happen to you. Just sayin'.

A box of donuts almost got me killed one afternoon at work.

I got an e-mail from my U.S. Senator, Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa.) Haven't heard from the man for five years, but now he's up for reelection, so - well, you know. My computer labeled it "junk."

Smart 'puter!

I now work in the energy efficiency department for a midwestern utility. My job mostly consist of looking at a lot of rows of a lot of numbers. There are many people who do much more important stuff than I do in this arena. I'm proud and honored to have some as friends, Facebook or no Facebook. It amazes me that a small saving in kilowatt hours leads to a huge difference in the amount of noxious stuff that gets poured into the atmosphere.

I like that.

'Cuz I like breathing and stuff. Yes - breathing is good.(Don't tell the smokers that.)

ON MSN.COM: "Shipwreck discovered in Lake Michigan." So that's where the Cubs went.

TALK ABOUT BADLY TIMED COMMERCIALS. . .They run Viagra and Cialis commercials in prime time? Seriously? I wonder how many parents have had to have THE talk earlier than they wanted to because. . ."Mommy, that man has ED. What's that?" "OK I know you're six, but sit down. . ."

Well, enough random musings from me. I'd love your reactions.

As always, thanks for hanging out for a few!

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